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6 results for keyword:foreign employees
6 results for keyword:foreign employees

Relatively many Chinese restaurant workers and students

In 2019, there were 36.5 thousand Chinese residents in the Netherlands


Nearly 180 thousand jobs filled by Polish workers

In 2017, over 838 thousand jobs in the Netherlands were filled by foreign workers. Polish workers constitute the largest group, occupying nearly 180 thousand jobs.


Nearly 80K employees from Belgium and Germany in 2016

Out of the 7.7 million employee jobs in the Netherlands as of December 2016, around 1 percent were filled by employees who were residents of either Belgium or Germany.


Third of Polish workers still here after 5 years

In 2011, 63 thousand Poles migrated to the Netherlands to work here, 5 years 20 thousand had remained.


More international tech graduates stay to work

In 2014, over 38% of all international technology graduates from 2007/’08 held a job in the Netherlands.
